New balloons

Flight equipment from
Kubicek Balloons

Since 2012, the Aeronaut club has been the official representative of one of the best aeronautical equipment manufacturing companies, Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic), in Russia.

The quality of the balloons produced by this company is evidenced by the fact that 95% of all flying equipment used by our club is produced by Kubicek Balloons.

If you are ready to purchase a balloon and decide to entrust this process to our club, then we guarantee you support for the transaction at all stages of this difficult process. We are also ready to take on the “trouble” of further technical support of the aircraft.

By contacting us, you will receive:

Assistance in selecting equipment taking into account all your needs
Assistance in developing a layout (visualization) of the balloon shell
Assistance in state registration of aircraft
Assistance in delivering a balloon to the territory of the Russian Federation
Assistance in further equipment maintenance.
Kubicek Ltd
The largest balloon in Russia, volume 8,500 m/cub. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, sports uniform. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, classic shape. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, classic shape. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, classic shape. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, classic shape. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, sports uniform. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, classic shape. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Kubicek Ltd
Balloon, classic shape. Manufacturer: Kubicek Balloons (Czech Republic)
Let's fly?
Flight registration