Frequently asked questions.

Before your flight, you ask us many questions that interest you. We have collected the most frequent ones and, for your convenience, tried to answer them in advance.

1. When do you fly?

Balloon flights in the warm season are carried out twice a day.
2-3 hours at dawn and 2-3 hours before sunset. At this time, the atmosphere is the calmest and flights are completely safe.
During the winter season, flights are conducted all day long.

2. Do you fly all year round?

Yes, we operate flights all year round, seven days a week under favorable weather conditions.

3. What weather conditions are considered favorable?

If the wind force is no more than 5 m/s and heavy precipitation is not expected at the time of the flight, then the flight will definitely take place.

4. How many people can be on one balloon?

Balloons vary in their carrying capacity. Our balloons can lift from 2 to 20 passengers into the sky.

5. How long does the flight last?

A hot air balloon flight lasts from 40 to 60 minutes, and the entire flight program can take up to 6 hours.

6. What will we see on the flight?

Flights are conducted in some of the most picturesque places in the Moscow region, in the Dmitrov flight zone (the city of Dmitrov is rightfully considered the northern pearl of the Moscow region)
and the Istra flight zone (the city of Istra and its environs are famous their churches and temples)
During the flight you can see how beautiful the nature of the Moscow region is.

7. What is a hot air balloon ride like?

Flying in a hot air balloon cannot be compared with anything.
A hot air balloon is an aircraft that does not have its own engine, and the entire flight will be accompanied by smoothness (the absence of any -< /span>or vibrations) and silence, which will sometimes be disturbed by the operation of the burner. It’s not for nothing that our sport is called “Aeronautics” - you and I really float, but not on water, but through the air, carried away by the light morning or evening breeze.

8. What should we wear?

We recommend dressing according to the season.
Clothing should be comfortable.
In the summer, we advise you to take hats with you and recommend wearing waterproof shoes for morning flights, as there may be a lot of dew in the fields.
In winter, pay attention to your shoes, they should be warm.
High-heeled shoes are PROHIBITED in any season.

9. Do we need to prepare for the flight in advance?

There is no need for additional preparation on your part for the flight. You will receive all the necessary instructions while on board our balloon.

10. Can we take photos and videos with us on the flight?

Yes, of course you can. This is rather necessary so that you can capture these incredible moments.

Let's fly?
Flight registration